Recent Research Articles In Managing Information Technology

International Journal of Managing Information Technology (IJMIT)

ISSN: 0975-5586 (Online); 0975-5926 (Print)


Chihiro Watanabe 1 ,2, Kuniko Moriya3, Yuji Tou4, Pekka Neittaanmäki5

1,5 Faculty of Information Technology,University of Jyväskylä, Finland

2 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria

3 Research and Statistics Department, Bank of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

4 Dept. of Ind. Engineering & Magm., Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan


While the Internet-driven digitized innovation has provided us with extraordinary services and welfare, productivity in industrialized countries has been confronted with an apparent decline, and it has raised the question of a productivity paradox. The limitations of the GDP statistics in measuring the digital economy have become an important subject. Based on national accounting framework and utilizing the development trajectories of 500 global information and communication technology (ICT) firms, structural sources of such decline were investigated. It was identified the two-faced nature of ICT that resulting in R&D- intensive firms falling into a vicious cycle between R&D increase and marginal productivity of ICT decline. Confronting such circumstances, R&D-intensive firms have been  endeavoring to transform into disruptive business model by harnessing the vigor of soft innovation resources. This transformation leads to spontaneous creation of un captured GDP and provides insightful suggestion to overcome the limitation of the GDP statistics in the digital economy.


Digital economy, productivity decline, limitation of GDP, two-faced nature of ICT, bipolarization

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Sitalakshmi Venkatraman

School of Engineering, Construction and Design (IT), Melbourne Polytechnic, Australia,


With the recent service enhancements over the Internet, organisations are confronted with a growing magnitude of security intrusions and attacks. Current intrusion detection strategies have not been effective in the long term, as new and obfuscated security attacks keep emerging evading the surveillance mechanisms. With information technology (IT) playing a pivotal role in today’s organizational operations and value creation, security  regulatory bodies have identified this situation not solely as a technology issue, rather due to the weakness of an organisation’s risk management practices and IT governance. Hence, recent attention has embarked on formulating proactive IT security governance for organisational sustenance. This paper proposes an autonomic framework for IT security governance that postulates a selflearning adaptive mechanism for an effective intrusion detection and risk management. Such a framework would facilitate autonomic ways of integrating existing context-dependent knowledge with new observed behaviour patterns gathered from network as well as host for detecting unknown security attacks effectively using mobile agents. In addition, this paper provides a roadmap for autonomic IT security governance by applying the proposed framework The roadmap employs a continuous improvement feedback loop. for achieving the targeted quality of service (QoS) in an organisation.


IT Security Governance, Intrusion Detection, Autonomic Framework, Self-learning & Mobile Agents

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Sita Venkatraman is currently the Information Technology Lecturer and Discipline Leader  for Business Information Systems at the School of Engineering, Construction & Design, Melbourne Polytechnic, Australia. She earned her PhD in Computer Science, with a doctoral thesis titled “Efficient  Parallel Algorithms for Pattern Recognition”, from National Institute of Industrial Engineering in 1993. In the past 25 years, Sita’s work experience involves both industry and  academics  –  developing  turnkey projects  for  IT industry and teaching a variety of IT courses for tertiary institutions, in India, Singapore, New Zealand, and more recently in Australia since 2007. Her recent research areas are predominantly in Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Cloud Computing and Information Security. Sita has published eight book chapters and more than 100 research papers in internationally well-known refereed journals and conferences. She also serves as Member of Register of Experts at Australia’s Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).


Obaidat and M. A. Otair Amman Arab University, Jordan


The study aimed at identifying the impact of knowledge management on the function of employee performance appraisals (it is one of the most important functions of human resources management) in Jordanian industrial public shareholding companies, relying on the descriptive analytical approach. A questionnaire has been developed and distributed on individuals of the study sample consisting of managers of departments and sections of human resources in each company. The number of questionnaire retrieved and valid for statistical analysis (294) representing (86.5%) of the distributed questionnaires. In order to analyze the study sample, reliance was placed on descriptive statistics, represented in the arithmetic means and standard deviations, in addition to the multiple linear regression analysis in hypothesis testing. The study reached a number of findings, most importantly, the presence of statistically significant impact at the level of (α=0.05) for the knowledge management including its dimensions (knowledge generation, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing, knowledge application) on the function of employee performance appraisals in Jordanian industrial public shareholding companies. The study has recommended that the Jordanian industrial public shareholding companies should follow an efficient evaluation system capable of identifying the employees’ weaknesses.


Human resources management, Knowledge Management, Employee Performance Appraisals, Industrial Companies

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AKM Bahalul Haque

Depart of Electrical and Computer Engineering North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Cyber security is one of the burning issues in modern world. Increased IT infrastructure has given rise to enormous chances of security breach. Bangladesh being a relatively new member of cyber security arena has its own demand and appeal. Digitalization is happening in Bangladesh for last few years at an appreciable rate. People are being connected to the worldwide web community with their smart devices. These devices have their own vulnerability issues as well as the data shared over the internet has a very good chances of getting breached. Common vulnerability issues like infecting the device with malware, Trojan, virus are on the rise. Moreover, a lack of proper cyber security policy and strategy might make the existing situation at the vulnerable edge of tipping point. Hence the upcoming new infrastructures will be at a greater risk if the issues are not dealt with at an early age. In this paper common vulnerability issues including their recent attacks on cyber space of Bangladesh, cyber security strategy and need for data privacy policy is discussed  and analysed briefly.


CyberSecurity, Cyberdefence, Security Policy, Vulnerability, Cyber Threat, Security Strategy

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AKM Bahalul Haque is currently working a Lecturer of Department of ECE, North South University, Bashundhara, and Dhaka 1229. He has achieved is M.Sc. In Information Technology from Fachhochschule Kiel, Germany, 2018. He achieved his Bachelor of Science (Engineering) in Computer Science and telecommunication engineering in 2014. Has published two of his papers in International Journal. He specializes in Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, Data Privacy and protection. He has one-year experience as Security Engineer and one-year experience as Vulnerability Detection Consultant in Cyber Security Division.


Elshimaa Badr Eldin Hago1 Maria Emmalyn Asuncion De Vigal Capuno2 And Salah Hassan Malik Ali3

Faculty of Information Technology, Future University Sudan, Khartoum, Sudan


IT Service Management System is an application to implement and manage Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) best practices framework. This framework aims to align the IT services with the business needs by insuring the quality of services provided to business. This IT service Management system links people, processes and technology within the Central Bank of Sudan as the main site of the project. The Central Bank of Sudan is the main bank that governs Sudan’s banks rules and regulations. The bank was formed in 1960 with headquarters located in the Khartoum capital of Sudan in addition to eighteen (18) branches spread throughout the country. The Information Technology Administration within the Central Bank of Sudan manage and operate the IT infrastructure that host and support all systems that used internally and for external banks. The objective of this study focused on finding IT service management system that can support international IT service management platform that can apply ITIL standard processes like Incident Management, Service Request Management, Problem Management, Change Request Management, Configuration Management Database and Knowledge Management. The methodology used in this system is the Rapid Application Development (RAD), a condensed development process that produces a high quality system with low investment costs. The proposed system went through to alpha, beta and acceptability tests by IT development team first and second line of support agents to ensure proper module functionality with favorable results. The study concluded in align services provided by the Information system department with business need through manageable and controllable standard. As a recommendation, the system should be implemented at the Central Bank of Sudan. More integrations and benchmarking must be done to ensure modules functionalities and higher security. The system can be the first step to take ISO20000 certificate as it covers many of IS020000 requirements.


IT Service Management System, Information Technology Infrastructure Library, Rapid Application Development Methodology, Change Management

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